Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Productive Week so far!

Phew! I have been busy! We are adding some new products to the business this year and that has kept me pretty steady for the past few days. We are actually going to run the office as the store that it is. Which means more time over there from me and Joe (and Bristol)! Work at the hospital has become much more demanding too. I'm having to make some difficult decisions with all of the changes they are forcing on us.
This is the year of organization for me. Since July 2010, things have piled up and taken on a life of their own. I am going to work so hard at getting organized and staying organized this year. I wonder if Hoarders wants to come to my house....
Hopefully in the next few weeks there will be lots of new exciting things happening for the Halechko's, I will keep you all posted.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

One year of blogging!

Wow! I have been doing this for an entire year! When I started this I just didn't know where it would take me. I've read some of my previous posts today, interesting to say the least. I am definitely a mess when I'm pregnant!
Hopefully I will be able to dedicate myself to finish my book, I really have been slacking on it. I have decided that 2012 will be the year for the Halechko's, we are going to get organized, build our business, grow our family (I am not pregnant but more on that later) and most of all love our sweet Bristol. Our life is being led to explore some different paths, ones that we normally would never consider. I'm hoping to have some definite details to share with all of you soon. ;)
Happy 2012 to all of you!